Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
May 24, 2011
Today was the last week I would have my music session. So it means, today was my music assessment which was to play our own compositions. I did well even though I did one mistake. But overall, it was good. After I finished performing, I enjoyed my class mates' performances. They were only piano students and violin students who performed because there was no more time for the rest. Mr Herry distributed a music workbook. I will take shots of my reflections on the blog and paste to the workbook. So tomorrow, I will submit my music workbook, so the reflection for tomorrow will be not available in the workbook. But still I will post it here and on my journal.
Minggu, 22 Mei 2011
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
May 18, 2011
Today Mr Herry chose the students who have not performed their compositions. He called me and Cindy Febrianne from piano, and many more from the other instrument classes. And we also had to write comments about the performance too.
- CindyFeb: she needs more practice and be more confident
- Me: I need more practice especially in part C
- Michelle: She needs to work with the breathing
- Johan: He needs more practice with his composition
- Gifi: He did better than the others
- Yuli: She did good with the breathing, but there were some notes that were incorrect
- Jesslyn: She needs to work with the breathing but she did good as well
- Karina: The song was good but she needs to practice harder
- Melicia: She needs to read the notes correctly and practice harder
- Benny: He needs to practice more till he can play the song correctly
- Ynigo: He did good but the tempo was kind of messed up
- Ivan: He needs to practice more, I cannot hear the melody
- Davin: He needs more practice, on reading especially
- Daniel: Needs more practice on reading the notes
- Alden: He needs more practice and be confident
May 11, 2011
Today in theory class, we did not do anything. Mr Herry just asked 2 students from piano which were me and Jacklin. He called Yoshiko from violin class, Tatiana from guitar class, and Jesslyn from flute. And I did not do really well. I will practice more. In practical class, we got a lot of time to practice and I practiced my composition. After that, we rehearsed in front of Mr Herry and he recorded us. I did not do really good but it was better than when I played in theory class last time. At home I will practice till I can do better.
May 10, 2011
Today, we watched the videos of people playing instruments. After that Mr Herry called students from each instrument class to show whether they are ready or not. He called Sarah and Calista from piano class, then he also called Olivia from violin class, but he did not call anyone from guitar and flute class. After that, in practical class, the 4 boys which were Ivan, Johan, Davin, Ynigo sang "You've Got A Friend" by Carole King because they had not done yet. After they sang, I practiced my composition again and I did well in part A and B, but I need to practice more especially in part C
May 4, 2011
Today, Mr Herry checked our resources and then we continued listening the others' composition. We also commented their compositions. After that, in practical class, I practiced my composition. I will practice more so that I will be able to play it better.
Classmates' music compositions (COMMENT)
- Allen: nice but too many melody, score: 8
- Calista: Good composition, score: 8
- CindyFeb: A little bit messy, score: 6
- CindyFel: Very good melody, score: 9
- Daniel: Not really clear, score: 7
- Gifi: Good melody, score: 8
- Ivan: The melody is not creative, score: 7
- Jacklin: It is fun and creative, score: 9
- Jesslyn: Good melody, score: 8
- Karina: Good composition, score: 8
- Mage: Good composition, score: 8
- Melicia: Very nice composition. It's like a soundtrack in a tragic movie, score: 9
- Johan: Good Composition but needs to make it more creative, score: 7
- Michelle: Good Composition, score: 8
- Olivia: The melody was really good, score: 10
- Sarah: Very good melody, score: 8
- Esther: Very good composition, score: 8
- Tatiana: More expanding notes and not good ending, score: 7
- Yoshiko: Need more variation on notes, score: 8
- Yuli: Good Composition, score: 8
May 3, 2011
Today, Mr Herry checked our compositions, who have not sent the soft copy and who have sent. He checked the students one by one and he has received mine. Then we heard our classmates' compositions. But we did not finish it because we needed our time to practice our compositions. In practical class, we practiced our compositions and Mr Herry helped me to make a better composition. At home, I will change some of the notes so that it will be awesome.
April 27, 2011
Today, we wrote our "You've Got A Friend" assessment reflection and then we watched the recordings of the students singing yesterday. After that Mr Herry asked one student from each instrument classes to play their compositions which were: Cindy Fel from guitar class, Mage (Astri) from piano class, Allen from violin class, and Tae Mi Yang (Esther) from flute class. They all seemed like they were ready for the last assessment. I will practice too at home so that I can get ready for the last assessment.
April 26, 2011
Today was the singing assessment and I did well with my partner, Mage (Astri). I was the third and we sang the song well. After that, I just enjoyed the others singing and writing comments about them. And we did not have our instrument class. Next time, I will sing nicer!
- Ynigo & Joshua: they need to be more confident and memorize the lyrics as well, score: 6
- Tatiana, Calista, & CindyFeb: they did good but cindy seemed she was a little bit nervous, score: 8
- Jacklin & Sarah: They did good also. They both were confident, score: 8
- Bella & Melicia: They did pretty good. But they were a little bit lost, score: 8
- Ivan & Johan: Did good but lack confidence, score: 7
- Giffi & Daniel: Confident, good pitch, score: 8
- Cindy & Allen: They both were so cooperative and confident, score: 9
- Benny & Alden: Funny, but also good, score: 8
- Jesslyn, Yuli, & Michelle: They did good and they all were confident, score: 9
- Yoshiko, Olivia, & Esther: They three did very good, score: 9
April 20, 2011
Today, we had our music test about what we have learned in this term. There were minor scales, major scales, and tonic triads. Then I gave my usb to Mr Herry to download finale so I can start copying my composition in there. I promised that I will send my composition (soft copy) next week and also the hard copy. After that, we went to our practical class, and we practiced our compositions
"Indonesia Pusaka" (COMMENTS)
- Alden: He was not confident enough and he needs to sing louder and clearer, score: 7
- Allen: He was confident enough and good pitch, score: 9
- Beny: He needs to sing louder, be more confident, bad pitch, score: 6
- Calista: She was confident and nice pitch, score: 9
- Cindy Febrianne: She was not confident, shy, and needs to sing louder, score: 7
- Cindy Felicia: She was confident and good pitch, score: 8
- Daniel: He was so relaxed and confident. good pitch also, score: 9
- Davin: He was confident and nice pitch, score: 9
- Gifi: confident, good pitch, score: 9
- Ivan: not really good, bad pitch, score: 7
- Jacklin: good pitch but need to sing louder, score: 8
- Jesslyn: confident and good pitch, score: 8
- Johan: needs to be more confident, not really good pitch, score:7
- Joshua: good pitch, score: 8
- Karina: good pitch, confident, but needs to sing louder, score: 7
- Mage: confident, good pitch, loud voice, score: 9
- Melicia: confident, good pitch, loud voice, but a little bit lost, score: 8
- Michelle: confident, good pitch, loud voice, score: 8
- Olivia: she needs to sing more clearly but she had a good pitch and confident, score: 9
- Sarah: confident and good pitch, score: 8
- Esther: confident, good pitch, loud voice, score: 8
- Tatiana: confident but not really good at breathing, score: 7
- Ynigo: Fail pitch, but good voice and confident, score:6
- Yoshiko: Confident, good pitch and nice voice, score: 9
- Yuli: Confident, good pitchm and nice voice, score: 9
April 19, 2011
Today was Indonesia Pusaka singing assessment and I laughed when I was singing. I felt horrible when I was laughing. After I laughed, I directly continued singing so that I would not fail. It was an embarrassing moment for me and it reduces points. I regretted because I did not sing it seriously. Some of the students also wrote in their comments that I should sing more serious. Next time, I will be more serious especially when I am doing with my assessments. In practical lesson, because the time was almost finished, we did not do anything.
April 13, 2011
Today, we practiced singing Indonesia Pusaka for our singing assessment next week. So, Mr Herry gave us a video of Indonesia Pusaka song and also asked us to write the lyric of the version 1. Then Mr Herry showed us the video of "You've Got A Friend" song by Carole King. He also distributed the lyrics of that song. Then, Mr Hary taught us to sing Indonesia Pusaka. I will practiced those 2 songs and I will memorize it.
April 12, 2011
Today, Mr Herry checked our resources. I brought all of my resources, so I did not get any breaches. And then, we were asked to copy our own compositions to our notebooks because Mr Herry would take the papers of our own compositions. Then some students did the rhythmic patterns from notation. I will have a quiz next week about tonic triad and inversion. And we will have a singing assessment also on next Wednesday. I will study and memorize the song. In practical class, we played our composition and I did it badly. I will practice more so that I can play well.
April 6, 2011
Today, we submitted our homework and I did it incompletely. And then Mr Herry showed us some examples of composition that were made by the last semester's students. And then we learned how to use finale (software) and how to download it. Then we performed the rhythmic patterns from notation. In instrument class, we continued making our compositions but the part B must be finished. I finished it and at home, I will make the part C of my composition.
April 5, 2011
Today was the first music class of term 4 and we played a game. How to play the game was just to memorize, sing, and clap. And then, we practiced to compose a composition because this term assessment is going to be composing a composition. So, starting now, we have to practice and at home, I will practice composing a composition. In instrument class, we made a composition and I think the composition I have made was good enough but I still need to improve some of it.
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
March 16, 2011
Today, Mr Herry collected our reflection copy but I will submit it after school. After that, we checked our friend's notation and I checked Gifi's. And then, some of my friends who have not done singing (the singing assessment) and have not done the music practical, performed today. Then Mr Herry gave us and example of doing music composition. After that we moved to our practical class. I will practice to make music composition so that I will be able to make it. In practical class, we did not do anything because there were some students who have not done with their practical assessment. So I just listened to them, playing their instruments.
March 15, 2011
Today, because it is almost term break holiday of term 3, we did not do much things. We were just given a music developmental workbook which was to write our comments about term 3 and other assessments. Mr Herry said that we must submit it tomorrow, but we all rejected and asked him to postpone it until Friday. So we must finish the workbook on Friday. Then we just watched others' practical videos on the blog. At home, I will do my music developmental workbook and I hope I can get high scores.
March 9, 2011
Today, Mr Herry told us the result of out singing assessment and I got eight over ten. After that, we were given a quiz about classical and other genres music, tonic triad, and also major scale. Then Mr Herry showed us videos of grade 10 students. At home, I must review all the lessons that has been explained by Mr Herry so that I can understand more.
March 8, 2011
Today was the assessment day (music practical) and I was a little bit scared. There was a bad thing which is: the piano students would be the first to perform. I was the third student who performed. It's been 3 times I played at school and it always failed. But today I played it without making any mistakes (even a single one). But I think the tempo was a little bit too fast. But still, I am glad because I have done it with my hard work. Next time I must be more confident and work harder.
March 2, 2011
Today in theory class, we learned about Major 7th, Minor 7th, Dominant, Diminished 7th and also a little bit of Tonic Triad. It was kind of confusing, or may be because it was the first time for me to study about that. Mr Herry also gave us the shortcut to learn that easily. At home, I will study about this again. In practical lesson, I practiced my song again and it was better. But when I played in front of the teacher and students, I became nervous and played it badly. I will practice hard!
March 1, 2011
Today, in theory class, Mr Herry wanted us to perform to show him that we already practiced for the assessment next week. The students who have done performing last week, they did not need to perform again today. So, the piano students would be the first, then flute, after that violin, and the last is guitar. I was so nervous and I forgot many things. In practical lesson, I showed what I can and it was so much better than I did in theory class. I will memorize some notes that I forgot, so I can improve next week.
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
March 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
This is my first practice of tonic triad and i think i still need more practice. It is not good and my fingers were stiff. I also did not remember well the chords. So i will practice more or even routine so that i can get good scores
March 11, 2011
This is the second practice for my piano assessment. I think I did well here also. And this is better than the first one. But the problem is, the recording stopped before I finish playing. So there is one note missing here (the last one). I will practice harder to make it the best.
Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
March 11, 2011
this is my first practice for my piano assessment and I think this is good enough. but I think the tempo is too fast. I will practice more and I will focus more to the tempo so that I can get a good score for my piano assessment.
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
February 23, 2011
Today, We didn't do much thing. When theory class started, Mr Herry checked our homework that he gave yesterday. And it takes a long time. After Mr Herry checked our homework, he asked some students to show/perform what they've prepared for the assessment. There were 4 students performed today. 1 student from piano class, 1 student from cello, 1 from flute, and another one was from guitar class. After that, we moved to our practical class. The students who already prepared their songs must show it to Mr Herry, so that Mr Herry could give them comments. I knew already what song will I play but I did not bring the book, so I played A major scale while the other students play their songs.
February 22, 2011
Today, Mr Herry asked us to make c tonic triad, c major scale, g tonic triad, and also the major scale. We learned so much things from him today, and there were some laughing time so I was not bored at all. There were some students who answered incorrectly but it was the time where they can find the true answers. After we learned those things, Mr Herry gave us homework to make the tonic triad and major scale of d, e, f, and a. In practical class, we started to choose a classical music for us to play in piano for the assessment, two more weeks. I have not chosen any classical music till now because I don't have any idea what song will i play. But at home, I promise I will find one.
February 16, 2011
Today is the day for us to present our presentation about classical and pop music. My group mates were Yoshiko, Esther, Daniel, and Joshua but Joshua was absent, so it was only 4 of us who would present the presentation. We were the group 4 so we waited to get our turn. My nerve started again when I was presenting in front of the students. But, because I learned how to control my nerve, i was not very nervous like when I sang in singing assessment. Next time, I will try more to control my nerve.
Kamis, 10 Februari 2011
February 09, 2011
Today we continued the singing assessment and my turn was today. I sang 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum and I was freaking nervous when I was waiting for my turn. My whole body was shaking non-stop and I tried to handle it. Luckily, I could handle my nerve a little bit. I calmed down when I was about to start performing in front of the students. I sang as good as I could even though I can't sing. I felt that my voice was not good but after I sang, Mr Herry said that my voice was actually good. Unfortunately I didn't play the song with the karaoke version. But still, listening to the compliments made me feel glad.
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
February 08, 2011
Today is the assessment day of singing and there were many instructions. What I remember was we could not read the lyrics when we were singing or else Mr Herry would deduct the score. The second one was we have to sing it with the song of karaoke version (so, it would be only the instruments, and we would be the one who sing alone). It was pretty interesting but also made people become more nervous.
Mr Herry said that today, the students who will sing are the students who have their names started with A and might be until J for today. My name is Janice and it starts with J. I was so nervous because I wasn't ready. Mr Herry also didn't tell us that the assessment would be today. While waiting for my turn, I hurriedly download the song that I would sing in my blackberry because I didn't bring the song. But fortunately, the time was not enough and it was until the student who has his name started with D. I still have time to prepare myself singing tomorrow and I hope I can get good scores. I will try to handle my nerve, try to be confident, practice to sing the song, and prepare the song.
Mr Herry said that today, the students who will sing are the students who have their names started with A and might be until J for today. My name is Janice and it starts with J. I was so nervous because I wasn't ready. Mr Herry also didn't tell us that the assessment would be today. While waiting for my turn, I hurriedly download the song that I would sing in my blackberry because I didn't bring the song. But fortunately, the time was not enough and it was until the student who has his name started with D. I still have time to prepare myself singing tomorrow and I hope I can get good scores. I will try to handle my nerve, try to be confident, practice to sing the song, and prepare the song.
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
February 02, 2011
Today is the submission date for the essay and there were only 6 people including me who submitted the essay. The rest will submit it on Friday, 4 February on the PTC day. After we submitted our essays, Mr Herry asked the students who have not sung to sing today by turn. So, today, I enjoyed listening to the rest singing again. In the practical lesson, we learned about tonic triad and it was pretty interesting. As usual, I didn't do well and I will practice more, so that I can do better next week.
Selasa, 01 Februari 2011
February 01, 2011
Today, Mr Herry gave us a lot of papers. One of them is about the guidance of our essay that will be due tomorrow about Classical vs Pop music. The other one is about the great composers. There are so many composers in the paper. The last paper is about the timeline and the type of music. And then we had our rehearsal for next week assessment (singing) but I didn't sing because I had my turn last week. So I just enjoyed listening to the other students singing. At home, I will practice hard so that I can get a high score for the upcoming assessment. I will practice sing until my voice and the pitch are clear and I will try to calm down my nerve problem so I will not get nervous. In the practical lesson, the students and I practiced the major scales and I improved a lot. But it doesn't mean i did it great. I will practice more for the major scales so that next week I can go to the next lesson.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
January 26, 2011
Today in our music class, we discussed about the types of music and the timeline: Medieval - Renaissance - Baroque - Classic - Romantic - Modern. And after we discussed, we practiced singing a song that we are going to sing for the assessment. I sang a song titled 'Need You Now' by Lady Antebellum and it was not really good. I will practice more and i hope i will do it better as soon as possible. In the practical lesson, i played the C, D, E, and F major scale. And my aim for next week is to play the major scales better than today.
January 25, 2011
Today, Mr Herry distributed a paper about music learning and task plan guide book. The paper shows the upcoming tasks and assessments that we are going to do in this semester. After I read the paper, the students and I were divided into five groups and i got group number 5 with Esther, Yoshiko, Daniel, and Joshua. Soon afterward, Mr Herry asked for the students' emails and we gave our emails to him. And before we started the practical lesson, we were distributed a booklet about Western Classical Music. In the practical lesson, there were 3 students who didn't get a chance to play (including me) because the time was not enough. That means, next week, i must be able to play piano well.
January 19, 2011
Today in the music theory class, we learned about major scales and the teacher explained clearly. We were also asked to write some of the major scales like C, D, etc. Before we move to our practical lesson, Mr Herry gave us homework to complete the major scales questions from him. In the practical lesson, I did bad because i was not really good at playing piano. In the next session, I hope I will do better and practice more.
January 18, 2011
Today was the first music class in this term and it was pretty interesting. Mr Herry (our music theory teacher) asked us to choose what do we want to join for the practical lesson. The choices were: piano, violin/cello, guitar, flute/saxophone and the maximum number of students in each classes was only six. I was lucky to get piano because i was the last member to join. After that, the music teachers played songs together and before the class ended, i was given homework to search about classical and pop music
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